IC-200-1B, IC-200-2B BMC Broderson Manufacturing Corp... Product #: BRODERSON

BMC Broderson Manufacturing Corp. IC-200-1B, IC-200-2B

BMC Broderson Manufacturing Corp. IC-200-1B, IC-200-2B - Heavy Equipment (Construction Machinery) Specifications

Weight and Dimensions (approx., according to spec sheet/brochure):

IC-200-1B, IC-200-2B - Form DC196B -- 01-1996 - H



(lbs.) . . . Operating Weight (Base/Standard Machine)

(ft. in.) . . . Length:

(ft. in.) . . . . Width:

(ft. in.) . . . . Height:





Below are other helpful Catalogs:


Disclaimer: The above specifications are provided for base (standard) units, and as a 'guide only'.